The level of exclusivity--be it emotional or sexual--of a relationship is something to be worked out by the people in the relationship. It's not really anybody else's business. Exclusivity works for some, but not for others, and consenting adults can figure out for themselves what works for them and what doesn't. I've been in relationships that weren't exclusive, and the men involved with me knew it. My current relationship is exclusive, and to be honest, it would take something--or more importantly someone--really exceptional to make me question that. But we're not the sort of people who wouldn't talk about that sort of thing. If I met a woman that really tickled my fancy, I would talk to my partner about it. He isn't as comfortable as I am talking about members of the opposite or same sex that we find attractive, but it is definitely something we talk about. We also talk about the boundaries of our relationship, and what would constitute cheating for us--because it isn't the same for all couples.
I think in the end, what this all comes down to is open and honest communication with current partners.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau