Not that worried, as I said I've been to lots of docs recently for other stuff. I've had a CT and MRI of my head. It's not a sugar or caffeine high. Do you know what euphoria means? :P It's like being on X or cocaine.
huh? Is there euphoria in ADHD?
I have to rant here. Doctors are humans, they are not all knowing. I've had better results speaking with my family and doing my own research than I've had with several years of neuro, ENT, and general docs. The only thing I wouldn't do is self-treat. But doing research to have foreknowledge before seeing a doctor so I don't waste so much time? Hell yes. I could have saved a ton of time and money if I had more confidence in my ability to know what's going on in my own freaking body!
Last edited by Zeraph; 11-10-2008 at 08:33 AM..