My grandfather considered myself and my siblings as mongrels. He was a Scot and never forgave his daughter, my mom, for marrying a Kraut (something about him serving at Vimy Ridge in the Big One and there being no official peace treaty between Germany & Canada post WWII).
Yes, I have the German/Scottish mixed heritage which I guess combines Frankish and Celtic bloodlines but hardly qualifies as being a mongrel from my wife's perspective. She's Han Chinese for as far back as history can trace the Cantonese region of that world. But who knows what admixture has occured there? Northern tribes mixing with south? That would be analogous to Celt/Frank mixes.
From her perspective, our children are true mixes not myself and my siblings. With caucasion and oriental bloodlines joining, we have effectively widened and deepened the resources of our familial gene pool and produced 3 sons who are tall, dark haired and caused one nurse at the flu clinic last week to state that they looked like the Jonas brothers.
Now I need to google the Jonas brothers to see what she means.
You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey
And I never saw someone say that before
You held my hand and we walked home the long way
You were loosening my grip on Bobby Orr
Last edited by Leto; 11-10-2008 at 06:55 AM..