Originally Posted by jewels
You beat me to the punch! No matter how close you two think you are, some of us ladies have a side that may not be seen for some years.  Even if she seems closed to the idea, she can change her mind, ya know. 
I don't wanna be a jerk, and I'm not a woman so I'll never really know, but I won't believe this without some kind of explanation. Sorry if I don't believe that security yields sexuality. And why is it a particularly female trait?
This scene is not plausible to me:
Woman "Honey, I know I used to never like to go down on you, but it's our three year anniversary tonight and there's a secret I can tell you now. Nothing get ladies hotter for their man's under-appreciated desperate boner than three solid years of exclusive commitment."
Man "Oh boy, it was totally worth it."
Sure people can change over time, but just because change happens in time doesn't mean that time causes change. So what I am asking is "What would actually change a woman's mind about that?"