All I'd like to know is how it affects the lives of ANYBODY outside of the marriage itself. If you get married to Jenna Jameson, and Frosstbite gets married to Bill Clinton, and I get married to a piece of carrot cake, how do our various relationships affect one another? The answer is NOT AT ALL (unless you happen to be related to said piece of carrot cake or ex-president or pornstar). If the carrot cake and I decide to have kids, there is no better chance that our children will grow up to be the next bin Laden than you and Jenna's kids will grow up to be porn stars.
America is not a theocracy. PERIOD. We are not a government based on religion we are based on secular, logical laws, hence the first amendment. If a marriage is, therefore, a secular rather than religious institution, then rational, non-religion-based arguments need to be presented as to why marriage should be limited to one man and one woman, or, for that matter, two people. Using the sanctity argument opens the door up for us to use that argument on any legal institution. For example, I believe that criminalizing marijuana destroys the sanctity of humanity and its relationship with the Earth. Isn't the "sanctity" of marriage destroyed when the pres gets a BJ in the oral office (haha freudian slip) or when characters in national and international TV shows and movies are depicted as cheating on their spouses? Doesn't divorce destroy the "sanctity" of marriage by ...destroying marriage? Should we outlaw divorce? what the hell is going on in this country? We elect Obama and in the same breath condemn gay marriage? WTF??
rant over.
These are the good old days.
How did I become upright?