Originally Posted by lotsofmagnets
iīm not sure i get your 1st sentence. iīm not going to assume you mean you think i havenīt read their thread. my basic point is that it seems like there is a request to stifle debate so that a few extra people can join in for a fun time agreeing with each other. politics will always be divisive. in case it hasnīt been noticed i myself am a rare contributor to political debates and this is because many times i feel that others are able to express my sentiments better than me but if i have a point and there is an empty space it is my responsibility to express myself. this has nothing to do with the sexes but if people want it to then i reserve the right to disagree wholeheartedly.
but to go back to your point: iīm not a fan of the name calling stüff and i know most ppl here know itīs conterproductive. it was intersting that it was bought up in the ladiesīthread rather than the ladies taking it up with the people in question.
the "irony" of the situation has just struck me that weīre forced to discuss this in a tangent in one of the political forums whereas the ladies get their own space to discuss this. i think itīs appropriate that if this discussion is continued it be away from this thread but since there really is no space where it can be discussed (by males) i think it should be terminated. if you feel you have any other points please pm me instead and i will do likewise.
back to teh regular programming.
edit: sorry, my intention is not to cut you off 
Not feeling cutoff, thanks for the edit!

Maybe I'll start another thread elsewhere.
Originally Posted by ngdawg
You're kidding, right? Not about not thinking you're always right, but asking if anyone does, really. Uhm, yea, quite a few make it a point of telling us they're right. And if they can't prove that, they'll tell you you were wrong 

Originally Posted by dc_dux
There are opinions and there are facts. What separates TFP political discussions from other discussions here is that they are often blurred and often strongly held.
Much of what is offered in some discussions are regurgitated tidbits of infotainment from other political sites or pseudo-news sites that support the member's opinion but are presented as facts.
But thats just my opinion....not a fact.
Perception becomes fact when that perception causes action. That is just MY opinion

Originally Posted by rmarshall
If a guy says he doesn't think he's always right, you can't argue with that. If he's wrong then he's always right. But, then he's wrong. It's too confusing to ponder.
Wow, rmarshall, here's three possibilities:
1. I used to smoke a LOT of pot. You should have sent this to me back then, I would have been able to make more sense of it
2. Alternatively, it could mean that I do not believe I am infallible, that I am human,
born to make mistakes. What some of those errors are, my fellow human beings
may be able to show me, if they so choose.
3. OR, you are trying too hard rmarshall, take a hot bath and relax.