One day, a really intelligent, charismatic, name-brand player will enter as a third party candidate - and potentially, change things.
But often when I look at US politics, people pull for one of the two parties the way they root for a particular sports team. Doesn't really matter who the better candidates and parties are, they never vary in their voting habits. That happens a lot less in other democracies. People seem to have a great deal vested in being a Democrat or Republican, they way they may be a Yankee or Red Sox fan.
-----Added 8/11/2008 at 06 : 17 : 33-----
Originally Posted by grolsch
The feeling that I seem to detect from you guys in the U.S. when your candidate loses is, more or less:
My guy didn't win, I'm fucked. Let's fight everything they do tooth and nail!!
That applies to both sides.
Both parties NEED this system, so they play the me-no-your-turn game. They are pretty well guaranteed power within each decade no matter what they offer up as candidates/policies.
Yeah, as an outsider to US politics, that is much the way I see it too. See the baseball team analogy for a similar take on it.