I've found that in any political discussion, the name of the game is "gangup".
I'm well aware my views are way odder than most, but it seems that expressing them in a political atmosphere brings out the clubs-conservatives think I'm liberal, liberals think I'm rightwing when the fact is, I'm neither.
So I say my piece and get the hell out. (Hm, neither and piece-same sound, letters reversed) Annnyways....
I think men and women approach politics in a totally different way from one another. With men, it's a pissing contest of sorts. Whoever can back up their version of events the most thinks he's the winner. Whoever can be the most insulting and condescending at the same time thinks he's the smartest.
Women are not, by nature, the hunters and killers-we seem to approach the same issues with a more personallly analytical mind, ie; how will this all affect me and mine. This, of course, isn't across the board, but I have seen, both here and elsewhere, females stop the bickering and move on more so than the guys. I have even seen, mostly elsewhere, that men more often than not will resort to calling the women's POV inferior simply because of gender.
I'm simply not interested in losing my temper over things, especially in forums. I spent a couple years in a political forum and I was so bitchy, it spilled over into real life. Just ain't worth it. Remarkably, for kicks, I visited that forum and the same people are still sticking it to each other. Sheesh!
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.