Originally Posted by lotsofmagnets
what is "our way."? i particularly loved comments like "the us vs. them mentality" which is exactly what was propagated in that thread. somewhat hypocritical in my view. there is nothing stopping ANYONE from expressing their opinion in any of the forums here (except ladies´ lounge but we´ll overlook that ) except if people think their opinion is not worthy of being heard. as the saying goes: "speak up or forever hold your piece." i really don´t care if the person who is making the point is male or female. i care about the point and will argue the point yet somehow there is some sort of "us vs them" attitude. usually that sort of mindset will lead to that sort of reality. perhaps it has already. as far as i can see there is no sign on any of the threads stating that women are not wlecome.
Try reading their thread. I wouldn't think there are very many atavistic men on this forum.
While there may be no "Not welcome" signs posted, perhaps there are signs we aren't grasping. I know for a fact I can argue like hell with you, name call and all the rest, and then go hang out after or whatever without leftover resentment. I know that, I think you know that. I'm just not sure most women get that (ladies, please don't flame me for that, just gently show me the error of my ways).
My point is that evidently there is a gap here. It exists. I want to know why, and I would hope there is a remedy (I'm just a tad idealistic, perhaps).