Originally Posted by timalkin
I find it quite disturbing that most black people voted for Obama just because he was black.
Just look at how much attention is being paid to the fact that Obama is the first black president of the United States. Would black people have voted for any black presidential candidate, even one who would clearly not be suitable for the job? It seems very likely.
I'm appalled at the outright racism in this election. Voting for someone just because their skin is a certain color is racist, even if that skin color is black.
A large majority of black people seem to enjoy "sticking it to the man," just like O.J. supposedly did. At least we can finally dump racist policies like affirmative action now.
Originally Posted by filtherton
Really? You find your own self-serving hallucinations disturbing? Maybe you should consult a psychologist.
No wait. You're right. America's black population, the overwhelming majority of which historically have voted Democratic, only voted Democratic this election because the Democrats had a black man running.
I'm fascinated at how you know why people did what they did, Kreskin.
Can you tell my height from the type of vocabulary I use, or the fact that I just
multi-quoted I must be ambidextrous?
Un-effing believable. There a variety of black folks, just like a variety of white, okay
skippy? Folks with different reasons for why they do what they do.
If ever there was a "man" for it to be stuck to, you might just be it.