Originally posted by CSflim
I predict within seconds that you are going to be overcome by screams of "over generalisation" etc.
However, I agree with what you are saying, and know that it happens. I don't think that many people realise that they do this, can only give em the benefit of the doubt that they don't mean to be vindictive.
Oh and by the way, if you feel hurt, you're just an over sensitive pussy!
Generalisation? Do you think you can sum up the entire world's population of women without generalising?
Hence why I used words like "Some women" and such...
And I say you're wrong about feeling hurt. We both mutually gave our love to one another, and after about 2 1/2 years, she chose to grasp mine and take advantage of it. Am I an oversensitive pussy in general? Yes. However I feel justified saying that what she did would make lots of men hurt.