Originally Posted by aceventura3
Interesting, how this seems to work. "People" say Palin was a drag on the ticket. The media doesn't like her, says she is a drag on the ticket, and polls show she was a drag on the ticket, but when we dig a bit deeper, we find that "people" (not all, I know some Republicans said it too) saying she was a drag on the ticket would not have voted for McCain anyway.
How many undecideds have you dug up?
Originally Posted by aceventura3
On the idea of needing a centrist, I don't know many who would call Joe Biden a centrist. Chaney was not a centrist. Gore was not a centrist. Quayle was not a centrist, etc., etc.,...actually have we ever had a true centrist VP?
Obama has charisma, so Joe Biden can just be foreign policy experience. Lieberman was the obvious choice for McCain.