for whatever it's worth, i have nothing against mc-cain as a human being. like alot of folk have said, i do not think he was well-served by his campaign, which was in turn not well-served by being republican after 8 years of george w bush. but enough of mc-cain as a person appeared around the packaging to indicate that he is basically a good person, someone who might be interesting to have a beer with---in a public place, with an easy and graceful exit plan in place on all sides.
hell, i even had a sense of the gap that separates george w bush as a human being from george w bush the political package, whose policies i have opposed entirely from the outset, during the short press conference he gave yesterday. he was gracious and you could feel for the guy a bit, as you'd feel for anyone in a kind of wistful space at the end of a long run of doing something.
i know alot of folk who are conservatives--some of them i am quite close to and there's no jump between opposing the politics they believe in and thinking them bad people---that's one reason i focus so much on the language conservatives use, because it had boxed them in so tightly.
there are exceptions, of course. most of the mediocrities that populate conservative television and radio for example seem like genuinely vile human beings. limbaugh is maybe the smartest of them, and sometimes i wonder about what he'd be like to meet. but nitwits like hannity? not worth the time.
on the op, you can find a large harvest of conservative idiocy about obama here:
Republican Politics, Conservative Issues, Political Cartoons, Blogs, News, Videos, Talk Radio ?
and here:
National Review Online
though the second is not as universally stupid as the first.
i wonder about sources for the really vile stuff, though.
anyone trawl about those regions of the net?
i have stuff to do at the moment--maybe i'll get to researching it later.
but it'd be better if someone who trawled these areas were to pick out the choicest finds.