Originally Posted by aceventura3
Interesting, how this seems to work. "People" say Palin was a drag on the ticket. The media doesn't like her, says she is a drag on the ticket, and polls show she was a drag on the ticket, but when we dig a bit deeper, we find that "people" (not all, I know some Republicans said it too) saying she was a drag on the ticket would not have voted for McCain anyway. On that basis Wayne Allen Root was clearly a drag on the Bob Barr Libertarian
ace....I dont know where you are "looking deeper" to find those people who would not have voted for McCain anyway.
She shored up the base and drove away the Independents....which IMO is a microcosm of the Republican party at the moment. they cant figure out how to appeal to both and you cant win w/o both.
Beyond that, many of those who dont like her or dont think she is presidential material are DC party insiders and again, there's the problem.
"Real Americans" (ie mostly the social conservatives) love her...the party establishment doesnt.