Hey guys,
Just wondering if anyone has any advice for working out at home. I used to go to the gym 5 times a week but found I was getting really, really body obsessed and comparing too much with other guys (I'm never going to be a big strong guy without putting years of work in, hence the nick ya know?) and unhappy, no matter how much progress I made. The fact that I struggle with depression didn't help much in that respect either. I also got tired of the boredom and endless nowhere (IMO) discussions about reps and routines.
Now I just run and mountain bike (10km in 40 minutes!) but I'm finding I'd like to tone up the upper body a bit, just as a little present for my fiancee. I'm leary about going back to the gym cuz I don't want to get into that whole comparison attitude again. I'm also pretty broke.
So here's the thing, I'm doing crunches and tricep dips and pushups at home before my runs, but I'd like to work more groups. Anyone have any suggestions for cheap exercises I can do in my apartment?