The answer(s) are simple:
1) The long primary season
2) South Carolina
1) By having the primaries spread out across weeks, the media has the ability to control the nominees. Think back, if all primaries were held on the same day as the Iowa caucas, the general election candidates would have been Hilary Clinton and Mitt Romney. This rule should be changed, as the candidates have many methods to spread their message and no longer need the time to campaign in every state. It would also mitigate the influence that the media has on the election, which would be a very good thing.
2) This is a bit of a stretch, but stick with me. In 2000, Karl Rove introduced untrue and slanderous accusations into the South Carolina primary regarding John McCain's service and captivity in Vietnam. As a result, South Carolinians voted against McCain and propelled Bush into the nomination. Over the past 8 years, South Carolina has come to realize they were dupped by the Bush campaign and couldn't WAIT to apologize to McCain in this primary. Hence, SC voted for McCain in the primary over candidates that actually could have had a chance against Obama - the younger, more charismatic Romney....and even Huckabee. McCain was barely even noticed in the initial leg of the primary season. It wasn't until he won SC that the media started pushing him into the top spot and other states followed SC's lead. In short, I blame my state for electing Bush and now, by propping up an unelectable alternative, for electing Obama.
While this doesn't have anything to do with the thread - I vote third party and did not vote for McCain or Obama. Why yes, I believe Obama will be the worst President in history, will make us all long for the Bush years, and will set his race back 40 years. For decades, all other black candidates will suffer from the "remember the last time we elected one of them?" This is not because Obama is black, it's doesn't matter what I say, he's the president elect. The election is over and I hope that I am wrong.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.
"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."
Last edited by Cimarron29414; 11-06-2008 at 12:38 PM..