Originally Posted by samcol
The two I was really hoping got unelected didn't get unelected. My governor Mitch Daniels and congressman Mark Souder both make me throw up a bit in my mouth.
Sadly, I'm in a similar position. I can take solace in the fact my Congressman is at least a socially moderate Republican, but he never takes a stand against his party when it matters, he's never authored a bill that has become a law, and aside for being totally ineffectual, he is also kind of a prick. I'm not sure why so few people notice the irony of a naval reserve intelligence officer blaming his support for the Iraq war on faulty intelligence.
My district went overwhelmingly for Obama and then voted for a bunch of Republicans who stand in opposition to him. So much for "the best-educated Congressional district in the country."
Then there's prop 8, Franken maybe losing, and TED "CONVICTED FELON" STEVENS winning. I have to admit, I'm really not nearly as happy about Obama as I should be.