Originally Posted by ratbastid
Hm! It would be in Democrats' interest, then, to further the perpetuation of those myths and keep conservatives happily rationalizing and justifying their further failure.
The other myth that we've already heard is that Pelosi willl now be the real powerbroker in Wash...ramming a liberal/socialist agenda down the throats of America.
The fact is that Pelosi's power is depdendent on those 50+ newest and most centrist Democrats elelcted in 06 and 08. They will not be rubber stamping a "liiberal" agenda, particularly those with a high price tag.
IMO, Obama will attempt to govern from the center-left.... In the first days and weeks of the new administration/congress, and while he is putting together the priority economic/financial recovery program, Obama (and Pelosi)i will also push through two bills that Bush vetoed, to get two quick victories on centrist progarms that have widespead popular and bi-partisan support - expansion of children's health (SCHIP) and stem-cell research funding.
The conservatives will scream "socialist (schip program) and "baby killers" (stem cell research)...the American public will push them aside and move on to the bigger issues without them.
If the Republicans want to play...they damn well better learn how to tone down the rhetoric and accept that compromise is their only option.