Go back to every Democratic nominee since Kennedy and see who he was. Old? Crotchety? Totally unhip?
Everyone won because of what they were: younger(or seemingly so), in touch with their world and enthusiastic about the future; and were not: part of the good-ol'-boys club.
McCain's ideas regarding taxes and health care made more sense to me than Obama's, but when we see from whom the ideas were coming, we don't listen. You don't go after corporations for more tax money-they'll just take their toys and go offshore. Give them some incentives to hire and to expand, not tax them to death. Employer-backed healthcare? Been doing that since I first got a job and it hasn't gotten any better in all those decades. We should be able to shop around and make decisions and make it competitive to keep costs down.
But we bought the opposite views because of the vessel.
I registered Republican when I first registered because of their "less government" attitude while the Democrats wanted to pay for everything except my new car and then tax everyone accordingly.
Now we have a Republican party that wants to enter our bedrooms and be just this side of sticking tracking chips in everyone's head and Democrats who are seemingly out of touch with the way things work in the everyday business world.
And as long as the "liberal" media keeps harping about things like how much it cost to dress a candidate on one side but says nothing about the $450 plates of lobster on the other, we will always end up hearing defensive insults being hurled instead of actual discussion about what matters.
Like I said, gotta consider the vessel and the Republican party hasn't done well in picking a good one, giving everyone plenty of fodder.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.