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Old 11-05-2008, 11:12 AM   #1 (permalink)
Winter is Coming
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Location: The North
Ballot Initiatives

I'm wondering how people feel about the ballot initiatives in their state and the outcome from last night. I find myself in an odd place today. I'm happy that Obama won and am eager to see what he can do to bring about positive change in American politics, but my votes on CA ballot initiatives got voted down pretty much across the board with a few exceptions. The only things that came through for me were the high speed train initiative and the parental notification of minor abortions, which leaves a lot to be desired, given what was on the ballot. Prop 8's obviously a huge blow to equality and societal progression, in my mind, and I think the two crime-related initiatives that passed serve only to reinforce the pathetic "War on Drugs" effort and threaten to severely infringe upon the constitutional rights of criminals.

I was explaining to a friend today that I feel like a kid on Christmas who got a shiny new Nintendo, but was told that I could not have any games to play on it. This leaves me feeling pretty conflicted about the election in general.

Does anyone else have any similar reactions to how things went? Were there any initiatives in YOUR state that you feel strongly about or do you have any feelings about how your state voted on initiatives in general?

As a note of clarification, I'm mostly interested in how people are reacting to referendums passed or voted down in their own state, not how other people feel about the fate of initiatives in other states.
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