My eyes are still puffy and scratchy from the tears of joy I shed last night. I don't expect miracles out of Obama but after 20 years of Bushes and Clinton's (well nearly plural), I am so happy for a change. It's like a breath of fresh air.
I didn't think I had taken Obama's race into consideration in my vote, but when he won last night, I was overcome with emotions. I realized on a gut level just HOW historic his victory is and felt so much joy for our countries African-American citizens that this milestone has been reached.
I too was very happy to see McCain be so gracious in his concession speech. He was the McCain I used to like and respect before the race. If he had been the "old" McCain throughout the campaign, I think the results might be very different today.
Like RB said, I also feel like we have been saved from the brink and hopefully we will regain the respect internationally that we used to have (and of course our domestic problems
). *crosses fingers and toes*