Originally Posted by tisonlyi
So it wasn't the newsfeed's fault... they were showing a different set of figures than might have been expected, s'all.
Electoral stuff, fairly ok.
Democrat winning is ok, right?
Eh, they're all the same in the end. Rhetoric, empty promises, then business as usual.
Just a side note of how the media plays: I totally understand that this is truly history, that a man who is half black, half white, became the president. What I don't like is the media's constant use of "African-American" because I can guarandamntee that, while they continue to hyphenate, they will also keep espousing the "coming together" of American people.
It all reminds me of the "one drop rule" and it's covertly racist in my mind. If we are really supposed to "come together", let's stop with the drop and get down to business.
For the next four years, his color and background will overshadow everything and the media will feed it to us.
/end cynicism