Originally Posted by skizziks
I´m a dick quite often, but with a smile and no malicious intentions. This is what makes an interesting discussion.
-----Added 4/11/2008 at 07 : 02 : 27-----
I am realistic. One week in a foreign country will teach you more than one month of reading books and watching tv. Unless that was sarcasm, then yeah....
No sarcasm meant. I'm just thinking a lot of folks can't find Canada on a map.
So, show them a map. Then, if they read any # of different books, they will learn
about places and people outside of their immediate surroundings.
THEN maybe they can think about travelling. Nothing worse, in my experience,
than being in foreign city and seeing North Americans lined up in McDonald's,
loudly saying how different it is then back home. Before you ask, I see them
while passing by.....
THOSE folks need perhaps a little "edumecation" before they travel. Point is,
travel might be pointless for most as they are now constituted.
Fair enough?