I guess I could have gotten closer on the first two. I checked the exif info and it looks like I was using my 28-70MM zoom lens. I'm not sure why I didn't use my 70-200mm zoom. I might have been too lazy to swap lenses or I might have wanted to capture some of the landscape too.
If it looks like private property, I'll respect the property line, especially if it's posted no trespassing. If it looks like public land I'll cross fences unless I see something posted. If I need to get a tight shot, I'll use my 70-200mm if I can't get close, and I have a 2x extender I will use if I need to.
Even respecting property lines, I've been hassled by cops a couple times and by company security once. People don't like DSLRs with big lenses.
The funniest time was when my brother and I were taking pictures near a chicken farm, staying on the side of the road . The owners called the state police because they thought we were casing the chicken farm so we could steal some chickens. Sure. When we are standing in plain sight in mid-day with big zoom lenses. When we explained what we were doing to the cops they let us keep on taking pictures.
The scariest, for my wife, was when I took pictures of some fall foliage using my 70-200mm lens, shooting over a small factory. Plant security apparently didn't like that so a couple guys came out and cruised by, checking out me and my car. I didn't think anything of it and cruised around for the day. It turns out they ran my license plate and called my wife to find me and ask me what I was doing. When I didn't show up for the rest of the day, my wife panicked and thought company security had me in a torture chamber or that they had killed me.