Originally Posted by curiousbear
Abaya, we and the babyjunkies are exactly same just in the opposite direction.
Yeah, except we live in reality and refuse to delude ourselves that these things are going to become our precious little snowflakes and we will love and adore them forever and ever.

Originally Posted by Dexter Morgan
God, are you serious? I mean, my son was cute as hell when he was a tiny thing - but then he again, he shat, he vomited, he cried when I wanted to sleep, he made un-Christly messes everywhere, he scared me every time he so much as burped. Now that he's five, he's independent, he can do things for himself, he can wake up in the morning and more or less occupy himself playing with Legos so that I can get a titch more sleep on weekends, he goes to school so that I can have a job outside the house. This stage is great, and I don't think I'd ever want to repeat infancy by having another one (and that's not even MENTIONING the utter smoldering HELL that is childbirth).
THANK YOU!!! I was actually SO pleased to read this, especially from someone who's actually been down that road and knows exactly what the reality is.

I sooo wish I could post this on Facebook to show all of my 30-year-old friends who currently have 2.6 children and expect everyone to gush and adore and worship their precious snowflakes.
(Once again, folks... don't worry, I'm not becoming a parent anytime soon, whatsoever. For all of the above reasons!!)
I wonder what happened to the OP, though?... it's a kind of old thread.