Originally posted by JackSpratt
A male-only space would allow these topics to be broached in a less judgemental space. Perhaps its just me but in my personal experience outside this board, there are topics I will not broach when there are any women in the room, but perhaps thats just me.
I second this. A men only space would be useful for some topics and I would feel more comfortable saying what I felt about some things. In real life you have groups of friends that have both women and men and some that are just guys, and you talk about different things with each.
I think the women have it right with their LL. Men definitely shouldn't be allowed to post in there, and maybe not lurk either.
Although, on the other hand, maybe we should take greater advantage of the fact that the internet is probably the only place where you can have a completely honest conversation between men and women on a lot of these gender-related topics.