Originally Posted by guyy
I disagree with him about ethanol & Afghanistan. The US needs to get out of Afghanistan as well as Iraq. I also worry that his health care plan isn't radical enough to do make much of an impact.
I think he dems are taking the long approach to health care. He will get all of the uninsured on the same plan as the government.
FEHB 2008 Plan Information for Nationwide Fee-for-Service Plans Open to All
Eventually the small businesses will switch to this plan because it will reduce their paperwork and make tax time simpler. Then when you have more than half the nation with the same type of plan, more and more companies will go this route.
And then the government will either run the healthcare plan or will make it a non-profit running it hopefully. But I don't see that happening until Hilary is elected.
There are a lot of issues to work out with that.
Off-shore drilling isn't that great. But us environmentalists can't complain too much about ruining the view because we want wind turbines put up off the coast.
Taxing real hard work. If he can reduce government spending to offer the tax cut for 'middle class' people, then I'm ok with it. But the tax code needs some work and make it so corporations pay instead of passing the costs to the consumer or moving their headquarters to a PO Box in the Cayman Islands. Also, the Joe the Plummer thing is a issue I have. If a small business is successful or if someone who was in the lower tax bracket moves up quickly, they should be able to pay taxes at the rate they were at for to years.
I think we need to have an unannounced pull back of a few thousand troops to see if anything changes. Put some more in Afghanistan/Pakistan though. There are still problems there.
Ethanol is a tricky one. If they built wind turbines next to the processing plants, it would solve some of the problems of powering the refining process. But the farm subsidies for not growing crops needs to go away. Since every acre now growing corn for ethanol can't be used to grow other food, making food prices rise. And causing farmers in other parts of the world burn down rainforests and drain swamps to grow crops.
And investors/speculators helped create demand for ethanol before the public was using it, so that didn't work.