Originally Posted by Willravel
How can you throw away your vote? By voting for someone that you don't feel would represent your interests. Voting Coke or Pepsi even though you like RC Cola is dishonest and ultimately only reinforces the belief that there are only two choices. The term, I believe, is "false dichotomy".
I don't think it's fair to say that this is a waste of a vote, and it's certainly not dishonest. While there are technically more than two choices, there are only two candidates with any viable chance at becoming the next president, and I think voting in a way that could contribute to avoiding the worst possible outcome is a smart strategic choice, not a dishonest one. If you hate Pepsi but don't mind Coke, it would certainly be better for you if the corner store (assuming it could only carry one kind of cola) carried Coke over Pepsi, regardless of how much you like RC Cola.