I think what we're arguing are hypothetical ideas when we can't really prove either way until we see what happens. Its almost pointless to argue, but informative to discuss.
In my opinion, I see about half the "rich" taking the tax hike in stride. I see the other half avoiding it. However, their avoiding is not bad. When a rich person puts money into assets to avoid taxation, that money then circulates through the economy. A rich person has the choice of either giving their money directly to the government or using their money to increase their own wealth while putting it back into the economy.
Also, as stated before, the middle class with more money to spend, will spend it.
I think ace's argument is focusing mainly on personal income tax as the government's only form of income. I personally feel like diversifying the sources of income for the government (by releasing a hold on the income tax) is a good thing.
I think the Democrats have a better grasp on republicanism than the Republicans do.