Originally Posted by new man
Are we talking about the one that escaped from the box I had her locked in in the old abandoned cabin? She got away, but I still have her her hair from when I tied her in a chair and shaved off all her hair and left her in the desert all alone. And sometimes in my dreams I can still her her screams, and I wonder if she ever made it home.
Er, I don't think that's what the OP was talking about.
There is one that I often think about. It wasn't a healthy situation. He didn't slip away, I intentionally ran and did my best not to look back. But I still wonder what he is up to, how he is doing. I wonder if he has hurt another woman, or if it was just me. I wonder if he is happy. I wonder if he is still pursuing men.
I think I see him every now and again. I wonder what I would say if we really did cross paths. I'm not sure I could say anything. I would probably just stare and let the moment pass.