Man, this thread produced a visceral reaction for me. Who ARE these women who are DYING to have another baby, after already having 4?! (Oh wait, Sarah Palin is one of them, right?... went to fertility treatments at age 40 for her 5th child, how necessary.) Anyway, I'm already anti-baby enough at age 29... I can't stand being around them. I also strongly dislike the idea of being pregnant and giving birth... why would anyone want to go through that 5 times?! And then the next several years of pooping, peeing, puking, and whining, with the occasional "awww, that's so cute" moment to sustain the illusion? Uggh. (Yes, I'm extemely cynical about babies.)
So yeah, can you tell that I'm still very, very far from being ready to have children?

I am totally flabbergasted by the idea of women wanting to put themselves through this kind of trauma... yes, both of my grandmothers had 10 children, but they had no choice. I think I might have killed myself or gone into a nunnery if I were them, actually.