Hi there.
All of you may not know me, but I know almost all of you quite well.
Once upon a time I met a girl, with those girls came questions and with those questions came the answer, this board. However, at the time I was breaking board policy and was banned, but I was invited to re-open an account when the time came that I could.
So yes Jazz; i have calmed down, have not however gotten laid... (If he doesn't remember this then ignore it completely, it's just something that's stuck in my head all this time...)
And to Analog (not sure if he's still around, it'd be a shame if he'd left
) Thank you for being so very kind about my rule breaking and inviting me back...
And to Willravel; who'se kind words and near infinite knowledge of the female mind brought me to this site... I hope to get to know you all better...