We have had similar programs of tuition assitance tax credits, neighborhood anti-poverty/anti-crime programs, home heating assistance, retirement savings credits...all funded with federal tax dollars for years.
Obama is proposing to tweak the programs and to marginally increase the funding for such programs to compensate for the dramatic increase in the number of familiers who have fallen below the poverty level or living from paycheck-to-paycheck or to provide some small relief to the middle class who have seem their real income decline as a result of the policies of the last eight years.
The only difference from the similar (or previous) existing programs is that McCain/Palin are now attempting to make it a wedge issue by calling it socialism.
If these programs are socialist....then the US has been socialist for years.
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire
Last edited by dc_dux; 10-27-2008 at 07:57 PM..