Originally Posted by Derwood
but that's not what he's proposing. at least not directly. there isn't going to be a "stuff for poor people" tax.
that's not so. the following paragraphs are lifted directly from the obama website w/all the attendant spin an official website can muster. each bestows a benefit on someone who can't afford the price without tax dollars provided by another. each takes tax dollars out of the realm of mutual benefit and directly confers it on someone who couldn't pay for it to the detriment of the earning party.
Originally Posted by Obama's Website
Create the American Opportunity Tax Credit: Obama and Biden will make college affordable for all Americans by creating a new American Opportunity Tax Credit. This universal and fully refundable credit will ensure that the first $4,000 of a college education is completely free for most Americans, and will cover two-thirds the cost of tuition at the average public college or university and make community college tuition completely free for most students. Recipients of the credit will be required to conduct 100 hours of community service. note: this translates into $40/hr for friggin community service, not free but heavily subsidized
Healthcare: - Ensure everyone who needs it will receive a tax credit for their premiums.
Establish 20 Promise Neighborhoods: Obama and Biden will create 20 Promise Neighborhoods in areas that have high levels of poverty and crime and low levels of student academic achievement in cities across the nation. The Promise Neighborhoods will be modeled after the Harlem Children's Zone, which provides a full network of services, including early childhood education, youth violence prevention efforts and after-school activities, to an entire neighborhood from birth to college.
Ensure Heating Assistance: Obama and Biden will increase funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) which helps low-income citizens — many of them seniors — pay their winter heating and summer cooling bills.
Expand Retirement Savings Incentives for Working Families: Obama and Biden will ensure savings incentives are fair to all workers by creating a generous savings match for low and middle-income Americans. His plan will match 50 percent of the first $1,000 of savings for families that earn less than $75,000. The savings match will be automatically deposited into designated personal accounts. Over 80 percent of these savings incentives will go to new savers.
If you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.
~ Winston Churchill
Last edited by irateplatypus; 10-27-2008 at 06:41 PM..
Reason: misunderstood previous poster