The game isn't exactly an open world. It's a big path with forks here and there. All they really need is a sign every now and then and a better map. The problem is quest explanation is very vague. Better descriptions of where X location is relative to Y location would help so much. Give us a compass and tell us to go north and the problem is solved.
Don't get me wrong, I really like the game. I'm nearing the end of the main quest. I've kinda been side tracked by a few of the mini-games. I managed to get 5-star blacksmithing in 1 session. I was kind of hoping for a cool weapon for doing it but I didn't get anything for it..grr.. The little white thing going back and forth is laggy sometimes too which when it causes you to miss with a 20x multiplier can make you throw your controller through the TV.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry