Originally Posted by ring
I used to be superstitious about my pens also,
I ended up losing a train of thought while looking for the right one.
These days I prefer the pens that are from our local bank,
and some of the pens I have ended up with from doctor's offices
are the best.
I even asked a nurse once if If I could have her 'Viagra' pen.
She said, "sure, take it."
We would get so many pens on a daily basis at the clinic it was absolutely ridiculous. We stopped accepting those pens at the first of the year, I took all of my favorites home with me which amounts to a rather large pencil box and several coffee mugs full of pens. Friends take them home, I have sent many to the school as well. Needless to say, I think the fact that there were always so many to choose from led to my fairly picky nature about pens. When we finally started actually *gasp* buying our own pens for the company we found that the majority of them were probably in a range of being $5-6 a piece. Needless to say, I buy my own now.. the company provided ones suck.