Originally Posted by dc_dux
The best list I've seen so far of early voting:
2008 Early Voting
In many of the swing states, there are significantly more democrats (or signficantly more Blacks in some states)....IA, NC, NM, NV.
CO and FL are closer.
That is really cool, dc_dux. I was able to pull up a PDF issued by Oregon's Sec. of State giving me early return percentages. This is really interesting to me as everyone in my household has already voted, but we know everyone else has their ballots, and I wanted to know how many Oregonians are like me and like to turn their ballot in ASAP.
We had the cutest group of grannies come by our house this past Friday evening asking if we had voted. They were going door-to-door for Obama's GOTV campaign; they were so pleased to hear that we'd already voted AND turned in our ballots.