Originally Posted by Daniel_
Using Vaginal sermicides ON THEIR OWN is not a god idea, as they are not very reliable.
I definately second this, because I have learned from personal experience. One of the times I used this method alone, I got pregnant. It's not worth the risk. I'd highly recommend her taking a more long-term approach, such as the Nuvaring or IUD.
See this useful thread:
Rahl- you'll see from this thread (and she can do research on other methods, such as the Nuvaring and IUD) that they are 99% effective. I've had the Nuvaring (change out once/month) for over 3 years with no problem, and switching to the IUD (5-7 years for me) in 2 days. Most insurance co.'s cover those also.
I just don't understand why- if she's on the pill and taking it every day like she's supposed to- you shouldn't need the withdrawal method.