Originally Posted by Paq
gucci, i forgot you were in NC and i'm glad there is someone else from this area who know hears the same shit i hear.
thanks man. This stuff is getting t be bloody...
I just don't hear it, I see it.
A truck on the highway today had about 10 McCain/Palin stickers on his truck.. along with 5 obama stickers. 2 Obama Stickers had Obama wearing a Turbin and calling him a terrorist. Another 2 had Obama with a bloused out shirt, no tie and a cigarette hanging from his mouth with the caption "just another nigger looking for change" the other, had a picture of McCain beside Obama. McCain was like Jesus and Obama.. a turbin wearing terrorist.
Amazing.. seriously. Now, I'd really really doubt that the person driving that truck was a liberal. But.. who knows.. maybe he was just a plant placed on the highway.