Originally Posted by ASU2003
I want this to happen, but I think a lot of people are concerned about this happening. Either they would lose their jobs producing current power, or once the switch has been made, even the green jobs will go away. There is only so much power that needs to be produced, and there are few or no on-going costs with wind, solar, geo-thermal and hydro generation.
I hadn't thought of that as a down side. I guess my response would be that once we've cut our energy consumption, it will simply take less money to live. Imagine how much money this country would save if we could cut our oil consumption by 10, 20, or more percent.
The dividend from those savings will mean renewed focus on engineering degrees, tool making technologies, and an updated infrastructure. I'm sure the benefits of moving our country from fossil fuels to renewable energy will be dynamic and far reaching.
It will take investments in science and technology, which is easy when you consider what will happen if we don't. I've always felt it's better to make change on my terms, our terms, than to wait until our choice is limited to one path. Maybe even no path.