Originally Posted by dc_dux
An interesting dynamic of the election that has received little attention is the appointment of replacement Senators.
If Obama wins, Jesse Jackson Jr. wants that seat and Joe Biden may push for his seat to go to his son Beau, the state AG.
If McCain wins, Gov. Napolitano, a Democrat, has to replace him with a Republican by law...but she may want to run for the seat in 2010.
TheHill.com - Jesse Jackson Jr. hopes to replace Obama in Senate
Trickle down politics!
If Obama is elected, according to Illinois law, the governor chooses his replacement. Considering that Blagojevich and Jackson hate one another, Jr. isn't going to the Senate. The problem is that Blago and basically the rest of the Illinois Democrats hate each other and really can't stand to be around each other at all.
Right now, it's a pretty good guess that Blago is going to appoint himself since he has a 13% approval rating, and virtually no chance of getting re-elected or another elected gig - including dog catcher. It would give him the benefit of being an incumbent in 2010 AND being out of Illinois. The decision is his and his alone. The one thing that I think that might temper that is the fact that his girls go to school in Chicago (Latin, for those of you playing along at home), and he and his wife have been hesitant to move them.