daniel, that is exaaaactly how the ads are in my hometown: "vote for mccain..bc obama will rescind your gun rights' followed by an nra for obama ad saying "Obama supports your gun rights..and he wants to create jobs, put resources into alternative energy, givet he middle class a tax cut, and stop tax breaks for companies that outsource our jobs...."
followed by a mccain ad, "the country is in crisis, the economy is in the tank, and we want to elect a man with teh least executive experience ever..to face his first crisis...in this chair"..cue ominous music. I wish i were joking
back and forth..all..day..long
my favorite ads, though, are the ones where you have young people saying "talk to your parents, please...explain to them that even voting republican once could have disastrous effects" bc it's just sooo funny