I'll be doing some more research into his policies and plan for the next 4 years next week. He actually has a answer to this right on the front page of his website:
JohnMcCain.com - McCain-Palin 2008
But what I like about him so far is:
1. $300 million for new battery technology (hopefully it won't be given to or bought by Chevron and then shelf the technology like they have done already...)
2. He was right about the surge and it would work in Afghanistan. Although the war should have been fought covertly, the American people wanted revenge after 9/11, not people dying 'accidental' deaths.
3. Cutting wasteful spending. There is a lot of 'extras' added to bills that if people voted against, it could be used against them politically and it isn't right.
4. Military/Veterans affairs
5. The dream that one day you will make a lot of money and don't want the government to take 50% of it.
6. (numbers made up for example) The idea that why should I work hard and make $40k, and pay 15k in taxes, but the guy who works part time and makes 25k doesn't pay anything. If you are down on your luck, you should be helped out, but there should be monetary incentives and benefits to hard work.
7. His call to service. This country would be much better if 18 year olds had to serve, work, or volunteer for 2 years instead of going into college right out of high school to do what everyone else is doing. There are a lot of older Americans that can still find a cause to work for instead of making more money as well. I know I would be happier if I had done something productive after high school, but before going to college.
8. He is willing to go against other people in his party when he knows that it isn't right.