matthew, i don't know what you're calling BS on. I was simply waiting in the gym so i could teach my class when this lady started talking to the front desk girl and me and this story developed. I thought it sounded horrific, but also seemed to smack of something screwy. I also thought it was a local story, so i looked through my local newspapers thinking it'd be frontpage news..then i searched nationally and found the story.
gucci, i don't hear it often when i'm out in public, so it caught me offguard..especially since my class is generally 50/50 white/black, so this lady's statements were woefully out of place and i'm shocked nobody called her on it. I think they were just as shocked as i was about the sotry and didn't quite catch what she was saying. i'll see her again and give her a copy of the 'psycho girl recants' article.
oh, and i'm so proud i got my family to stop saying the N word....seriously, the south is changing, so it does come as a surprise when i hear it in something other than a rap song, especially in public...That being said, this is about the 30th time i've heard the quote, "Im not votin for that n******" so i tell them not to vote. It's kinda sad, though, that a lot of these people have never voted before and plan on voting now bc they can't stand the thought of obama in office...
oh, and if it's not 'that n((((), " it's "that terrorist" or "that muslim" or, in mccain's terms, "that One"
bc apparently they are interchangeable.
Ahhh living in the south..such a great place....i swear, though, it really is getting better, but i know the secret service is working overtime.
oh, and matthew, did you see the full video of the 'liberal plant' who said obama was an arab?