What you're going to hear about "just," from a Conservative, is that a safety net is obligatory from the government for those that cannot provide for themselves. Clearly this includes children that are brought into the world by those who can't or won't take care of themselves or their children. It also includes those who are victims of things like autism, Down's, etc. It also includes those who might be hurt on the job.
Where you get an argument is providing a "safety net" as a long term lifestyle for those who don't care to work.
I have no issue with paying taxes to provide for a strong military. I have no issue with paying for Interstate highways. I seriously begrudge every penny sent to the lower wards in New Orleans, or the inner city in Detroit.
I'm pleased to contribute to equal opportunity; free education for all. But ask to "distribute" some of my earned income to a freeloader, then you'll have a struggle on your hands. Is this Social Darwinism?