The sky is falling?
I'll start this thread based on a few assumptions:
1- Obama will be elected President
2- As President, Obama will not bring terrorists into his cabinet
3- The economy will recover to a noticeable degree within the next 1 to 3 years
Based on these assumptions (which I believe have and are currently being argued for/against in other threads) and based on the messaging of the right wing, do you believe the right wing is digging a deeper hole for themselves?
When Obama as President does not live up to the fears cast by the right wing in terms of his threat of Muslim Terrorist governing, it seems that would be the final nail in the coffin of the nearly 8 year talking point from the right wing.
When the economy recovers to some noticeable degree (not necessarily to the levels of the late 90's), it seems this indicates the "socialism" that was proclaimed as a threat to America could just as easily be evidenced as the cause or contributing factor of the rebound. This then provides incentive to not only continue with those policies but perhaps increase them.
If the sky doesn't fall, and indeed begins to look brighter, what is the impact to those who so loudly predicted the falling sky? Is the right wing currently aware of the striking potential for their tactics to backfire in the long run?
Does this last ditch effort (spanning a couple months now) to achieve a McCain Presidency have greater impact to the future of the right wing vs. just the future of John McCain?