Introducing Paranoia
Ok, McCain is trailing Obama by a large amount in initial polls. There is speculation that an attack or catastrophe may happen between now and Nov 4, or even between now and Jan 20th. This catastrophe would be used as a political tool to either swing the vote in McCain's direction by some spin, or to give justification to Pres Bush to retain power and give him authority past his lame duck period. It doesn't have to be a catastrophe, it could be something that completely tarnishes the reputation of Obama in order to swing the vote in the other direction - like an affair with Janet Jackson or an AIDS diagnosis.
If this were to happen, would you call shenanigans?
Feeling as secure as you may be with the reality that you see before you, how convinced would you be that the fix was on if this reality was completely shifted in the coming weeks?
I know I would feel directly manipulated. I would join the revolution.