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Old 06-08-2003, 11:35 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Re: Re: fake patriotism "a rant"

Originally posted by seretogis
Despising something because "the masses" do so is also not generally a good idea by itself. As for why people become patriotic in supposed times of turmoil, it is a natural and common thing to do so. People generally want to believe that they are in the right in every situation, and will justify it by any means.
This is just a reaction to fear and not a patriotic act at all. its like waking someone up to a violent noise and telling them it was a gun. I hate when people react to fear by jumping on the "band wagon of patriotsim". i really hate it when someone who told me they thought that the war was not justified before we started to win now changes his or her mind and say "well we had to stop him. even if he didn't have weapons of mass destruction. he was another hitler" what about your previous opinion? did you change you mind just because we won? ok that real patriotic.

Originally posted by seretogis
At least in Minnesota, there have been several "support our troops" rallies which were composed of just as many anti-war as pro-war people, all who had relatives or friends in the service. Are they not really patriotic because they have family in the service?.
yes and no. yes if before 9/11 and the war they were just as patriotic as they are now. i wonder how many vets went to that rally? modern hippies are patriotic too. they are expressing there opinion. hippies are not patriotic when they spit on troops or join because they like what they are wearing. a true hippie who loves peace would never make violence on anyone even the people who they are currently angry at.
no if they were goining for fear of their relatives. fear makes one extreamly patriotic doesnt it. ha they are not worried about country they are worried about there loved ones. don't get me wrong if i had a loved on ei too would be afraid. but you have to ask them why are they at those rallies. are they trying to make themselves feel better by being around thoses who have loved ones in danger or do they have an opinion on the war. man i hope that opinion was not fostered by the masses.

Originally posted by seretogis
Actually, yes, they did sign up for it. I'm not sure how you can try to justify this.
ok besides all of the marines and a few die hard army people no they didn't. the people who join the navy, army, or air force are not in the service to kill people. they have no clue about what they are getting into. this i know from personal experence. in the army people join because they get to shot guns and blow stuff up. ask any non diehard service men or woman what the most desired duty station is and they will give you some base or fort in the US. oh they might say spain or germery or japan but ask they were they are going next. betcha it probility some place in the us. its the same in the navy or air force. (exept for the special forces units. they're crazy.)

Originally posted by seretogis
Just because you think this, does not make it so. As for "a very good chance that you are goign to die violently and painfully", 200 deaths out of several thousand troops is not "a very good chance".
yes but they are going to be running towards the bullets. there is no skill only luck and a good hiding place in avoiding getting hit. there is a very good chance that one of them could die. you say 200 out of thousands like its nothing. THAtS 200 people your talking about. thoses thosands of people that you are talking are mostly the huge supply groups of reservists that are not in the action and behind front lines.

Originally posted by seretogis
NYFD/NYPD who died in 9/11 did so while saving lives. That makes them heroes and worthy of a bumper-sticker. The passengers of the PA flight that was downed are also viewed as heroes.
yes they are heros. but following your logic about the military they were doing their job. what about the people who didn't get a chance to be heros and died it the buildings. Also what about the pentagon? you haven't said anything about that. why is that?

Originally posted by seretogis
That's an unhealthy amount of hate.
that hate is built on frustration. dont tell me your patriotic by putting flags up on your frount pourch and bumper stickers on your car. do some thing that does not benifit you but does benifit the country. putting flags out benifits you in the eyes of your neighbors. it does little to benifit the country as a whole.

Originally posted by seretogis
Out of this list of wonderful things, which do you do on a regular basis?
I take part in meals on wheeles. when i lived in Illinois i was a part of operation white hat. i use to go to the children hospital to help cheer up the kids who were going through cancer treatments. when i lived in Jacksonville i was a volinteer EMT. I go to jury duty. the only thing i am guilty is that i didn't vote for the president. to me what does my vote matter when the electroial college can vote not matter what popular opinion is. i wrote this opinionated thread.

Originally posted by seretogis
Uhhh, yeah. We waged war with Iraq because we are afraid of them coming together and competing with us...
the original gulf war was to make sure that iraq didnt take over a huge chunk of the middle east there by controlling a major part of the oil production and sale. this war was about testerione. hes saying bad things against us. lets put him in his place. oh and who put him in power in iraq by the way. why? so russia didn't get another contry that porduced oil. why didn't we help iran when they were being invaded by iraq before the gulf war in the late 80's. who gave iraq a lot of those weapons they used against us in the first gulf war?

Originally posted by seretogis
Well shit, I ran out of time to respond to the rest. I'll do so later. In general, I suggest toning down teh hate. Disagreeing with something is fine, but all that hate has unhealthy side-effects, I know first-hand. People are generally alright as long as their interests have been met. It's not something to be "hated", just understood and dealt with.
ok so you say that appeasing the masses is ok. not voiceing your opinion is ok. just go along with the flow and thats ok. bitching about my loss of privacy is not ok because we want to appease the masses. i know big brother is not out ot get me but do they have to watch me? yes HATE is a strong word and i used it alot. its becasue i am so frustrated. people don't think and that pisses me off. i used hate because i can. it is a free country right? opps wait thats right its not. sorry big brother didn't mean to offend. please don't put this in my file.
"enjoy life to the brim but do not spill it" quoted off my tatoo

"Iam myself every day."

Last edited by redravin40; 06-08-2003 at 11:44 AM..
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