the 150K is not an issue to me.
sure, it's hard to make the joe the plumber argument when you just blew 4x his yearly salary on clothes.
but that said, when my wife started complaining about the 5K on hair and makeup, I reminded her that if someone gave her 5K she would know exactly where to spend it and not get much for it, when all is said and done. I'd guess a hollywood hairstylist and a quick jaunt through saks would get you approx. a good haircoloring, style, and the basics in makeup.
I've never personally shopped at Sak's, but that's because I couldn't not because I wouldn't want to.
I imagine she got a week or two worth of clothing.
I can't think of anything more upwardly, white woman mobile than taking a blank check and buying some fancy clothes and I can't imagine bashing her for doing what any middle class person would do in a similar situation if they didn't have the option to pay their bills with the same check.
Just because most of us have to dress like a million bucks for our best job interviews, but do it with a JC Penny wardrobe, doesn't mean that we wouldn't *want* to dress up in Sak's suits if someone else was footing the bill. I just think this particular criticism is going to fall on deaf ears, and it's borderline hypocritical for most people to even bring it up because I think you'd have to be extremely idealistic to pass that opportunity up...too idealistic.
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