JackSpratt I guess the main reason why we don't have a Men only area is that there are so few females to begin with, due to the fact that it is a. on the internet and b. is a site which grew out of an adult material oriented site.
You see if a lady were to post in the General area with a female specific topic, the VAST majority of the replies would be from men, and that may not be what she wants. In the LL she can be gauranteed only to get female responces.
Think of it the other way round: If a man posts a male specific topic, he is only really going to get male responces, with maybe one or two female replies, hence the reason a Men Only Area is not really a requirement. If the population of the TFP was more a 50:50 split then sure a Men Only Area would definately be a good idea.
As for responding to threads started in the LL, if you feel you MUST respond (to defend yourself or whatever) just start a new Thread here, and [quote ] the required material.
-C.S. Flim